
      Hostal San Gines

      Calle Molino 9, ARRECIFE (LANZAROTE)

      Hostal San Ginés is an accommodation located in the heart of Arrecife, 8 km. from the airport and a few meters from the commercial area and the Charco de San Ginés, where you can find all kinds of shops such as textiles, perfumery, gifts, sports, restaurants, museums, etc. El Charco San Ginés is the fashionable area in the capital of Lanzarote and, apart from its beauty, you can taste from traditional dishes to international dishes. A 10 minute walk, you will find a wonderful and attractive avenue along the Arrecife coast, where you will find a pleasant walk by the sea, stone bridges and castles, a modern Sport Harbour called " La Marina ", a nice white sand beach " Playa del Reducto" etc. etc. Only 10 min.far away you can find the main bus station with daily connection to any point of the island.

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