

      Urb. Los Pinos, 39, ICOD DE LOS VINOS (TENERIFE)

      On arrival at the south airport please ring Arantxa on (0034) 627 055191 or Antonio or Teresa (0034) 922 815079 or 646 405842 - to inform them of your arrival. • Take the TFl motorway signposted Santa Cruz, follow the motorway for approx. 35 mins. Take exit signposted "Santa Maria Del Mar" and autopiste norte".(On the rght hand side of the road you will see a shopping commercial centre "Carrefour" and a sign on a building Fred Olsen. • After turning of at the sign "Santa Maria del Mar" continue along straight along this road following the Sign TF2 for "La Laguna" and "Puerto de la Cruz" • Carry on up this duel carriage way going past the C&A and McDonalds signs (this area is called Al Campo) and IKEA is on the lefthand side. Keep in the lane signposted “La Laguna” and “Puerto de la Cruz” you will enter a long tunnel (make sure you have your lights on). After emerging from the tunnel will have to filter on to the north motorway(TF5) (remember to turn your lights off). • Carry on along this motorway for approx. 30/35 mins going past the exit signs for Puerto de la Cruz follow the signs for Icod de los Vinos. Take the turning signposted “ICOD DEL LOS VINOS”, You will come to a roundabout follow the signs going up the hill for Icod del Los Vinos you will pass the supermarket Hiperdino on the left and on the right you will see a large Shell Garage as you go past the Shell garage you will see a sign for "La Cueva del Viento" and the road will bend to the left. • Follow the road to the left going past the traffic lights, then you will see another sign on the right "La Cueva del Viento" and "El Amparo".Turn right going up a very steep hill carry on up the hill until you come to a STOP sign at the junction turn right and still follow the signs for "La Cueva del Viento" you are now on the TF366 • Carry on along this road past a Farmacia(chemist) on the left , until you see a restaurant called “Los Faroles” on the left hand side go past this restaurant approx. 500 m past the restaurant you will see a sign “Las Lajas” on the left take this road (very small road). • Carry on along this very small road for less than l km you will see a street called “Los Pinos”. Take the second turning on the lefthand side and there is a white house of the corner with the name El Lagar No. 45 go down the hill, Villa Cateyma is 100 metres on the righthand side park at the front of the gate.The villa is set slightly back of the road a white house is next door. Return Directions to South Airport: • At the top of the road turn left and carry on down until you come to the junction, filter on the road going downhill past the restaurant “Los Faroles” on the right. Carry on down this road following the signs for the village of “Icod de Los Vinos”. When to get into the village follow the signs for the AUTOPISTA DEL NORTE AND PUERTO DE LA CRUZ/SANTA CRUZ. Filter on to the motorway (TF5) • Carry on along the motorway going past Puerto de la Cruz and go past the north airport approx. 25/30 minutes. • After going past the north airport on the right hand side.( Approx 5/10 minutes after the airport) , look out for the signs “AUTOPISTA DEL SUR” AND “AEROPUERTO SUR”. Filter on to the right hand lane and follow the sharp bend to the right and carry on into the tunnel(remember to put on your lights). Carry on along this duel carriageway (the Al Campo shopping centre will be on your right hand side and IKEA). • Carry on along this duel carriageway going down towards the coast. Follow the sign for “AEROPUERTO SUR” AND “LOS CRISTIANOS” this will lead you onto the motorway TF1 South. • Carry on along the motorway for approx. 35/40 minutes then take the turn off for “AEROPUERTO SUR”.

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